Tracy Johnson, Paralegal at Forrest Williams Solicitors
There was elation in Nottingham Magistrates’ Court this week following Errol Jackson’s successful application for early return of driving licence.
Errol, who was very concerned that his application would be refused, had asked Forrest Williams to take on his case as he was well aware that his application would not be straight forward.
He had been disqualified for drink driving offences twice in the last 10 years, and had in the previous few months been involved in an altercation outside a nightclub which had resulted in a charge of being drunk and disorderly and being ‘tagged’ for a period of 6 weeks. Unfortunately there was also a previous drunk and disorderly offence within the last few years.
However, as staff at Forrest Williams are well aware, behind every incident is a real-life back story. It is very easy to respond with a knee-jerk reaction, but we take time to listen carefully and not judge. Only in this way can we get to the heart of the matter, assess the situation and then agree on the best way forward.
In Errol’s case, he readily admitted that he had, when younger, fallen in with a ‘bad’ crowd and, through peer pressure, had done things he later regretted. At this time, he explained to his case worker, he was estranged from his parents and isolated from the people who could have been positive role models in his life. He felt, quite literally, adrift from the rest of society, so did not care about his actions, or their consequences. In this frame of mind, with nothing to lose, he established a reputation as a ‘trouble-maker’, which, in turn, encouraged him to behave in a more anti-social manner.
Errol told his case worker that when he became a little older, and found a girlfriend of good character, he lost the urge to lash out against the world and decided he wanted to settle down and enjoy family life.
His long disqualification from driving was now seriously impacting on his ability to perform his duties as an Electrician, a job for which he himself had paid all the fees for training and exams. Knowing that he was at risk of dismissal from his job, as colleagues were becoming tired of acting as his driver, Errol approached Forrest Williams and asked if we could fully prepare his application for the early return of his driving licence, and represent him in court.
The preparation for his case was detailed and thorough, with Errol’s case worker guiding him through each stage of the preparation and giving him feedback that he said he found very helpful. We were well aware that this application had to be very strong, given the fact that they are never easy to be successful with at the best of times.
Forrest Williams are, however, delighted to report that Errol’s application was successful and that he will soon be able to drive again, thereby keeping his job and moving on within his company. There is even the offer now of a company van, so he can be fully mobile and respond to electrical call-outs as part of an out-of-hours service.
Errol thanked everyone involved in the preparation and presentation of his case, particularly his case worker and barrister. He can now, he said, move forward with his life.
If you’d like to give yourself the best chance of success for a motoring case, call our expert team now on 01623 397200 for a free initial 30 minute consultation.
Tags: case studies