Getting Driving Licence Back Early After A Ban
This page will be helpful for you if you:
– Want to apply for early return of licence.
– Need to get licence back after drink driving conviction.
– Want to know how to get your ban lifted early.
People contact us with these questions every week, and we are very proud to help people in this situation. A recent client, who had his third drink driving ban lifted early, told us:
I can’t believe it. I’m emotional and overwhelmed. Finally, this chapter is closed and I can move on. It’s massive for me. I had to just put my trust in you and I’m so glad I did. This has changed my life.
Have you been banned from driving for longer than 2 years? (You cannot apply for an early return of licence if your ban is for less than 2 years in total. Your only option in these circumstances would be to appeal against the conviction and/or sentence, if you are within the time limit.) If so, you can apply to have your ban lifted early, in line with the following guidelines:
When can you apply for an early return of your licence?
- If you were banned for less than 4 years, you can apply after 2 years.
- If you were banned for between 4 and 10 years, you can apply when you have served half of the ban.
- If you were banned for 10 years or more, or for life, you can apply after 5 years.
If your ban is not your first driving ban, these guidelines still apply, and yes it is possible to be given your licence back early even if your conviction was very serious, resulted in a custodial sentence and/or you were a repeat offender.
The early return of licence procedure is not simple, however. If you want to get your licence back after a drink driving conviction, you’re effectively asking the Court to go against the sentence imposed by an earlier hearing.

Katie Forrest of Forrest Williams
Getting your licence back early is not simply a case of making an administrative application – it isn’t just paperwork. A full hearing has to be held and the ultimate decision rests with the bench of magistrates or the district judge. You will be cross examined by the prosecution and the court. It is vital you are fully prepared.
The Court have the power to refuse your application to get your licence returned early, and they often do refuse these applications. This is certainly the kind of case you will need a specialist lawyer to help with.
How We Can Help.
Here at Forrest Williams, we truly understand the time and attention to detail that it takes to prepare an early return of licence case. Our preparation work follows our in-house system, where it is checked by several members of staff as many times as it takes before we are satisfied we have the strongest case possible, for you.
We understand just how devastating it can be to lose your licence, and how often it can begin a ripple effect that leads to a loss of job, a loss of home, marriage breakdowns and more. We know that a long-term ban can often put you on the edge of society – unable to get onto the housing ladder or progress with your career.
We know that a moment’s misjudgement can turn your whole world upside down. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to helping people like you. With our fixed fees, dedication to service and impressive track record; if you are looking for help to get your licence back early, why trust anyone else?
CALL US NOW ON 01623 397200.