Motoring Law FAQs - But It Wasn't Me Driving! - Forrest Williams Motoring Law FAQs - But It Wasn't Me Driving!

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Motoring Law FAQs: But It Wasn’t Me Driving!

How unique are you?

You’re you, right? And you would expect the Courts to accept and understand that… but they don’t always.

Forrest Williams specialist motoring lawyers recently had a case of mistaken identity for a client.  He had allowed a family member to drive his car, ensuring that insurance was in place first.  That family member was then stopped for speeding, provided photographic proof of identification to the officer and expected that he would therefore receive the punishment for the offence.

Instead the police prosecuted the owner & registered keeper of the vehicle for the offence – despite having photographic evidence with the actually offenders name on it – simply because their surname was the same.

“It wasn’t me driving!”

Despite pointing this out to the court and prosecution on several occasions this matter went to court in Birmingham where the charge was finally withdrawn against our client.

Unfortunately this is not the first case Forrest Williams have acted in where mistaken identity is involved and it makes us wonder how often this ‘clerical’ error occurs.

Give us a call if you have a case of ‘mistaken identity’ in relation to a motoring matter – I’m sure we could help you just as we have many others before you.


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